Kulturell rasism - som ideologiska formulering - kan också användas i mörkläggningen av en egentlig biologisk-etnisk rasism, av en djupt rasistisk känsla eller diverse etniska fördomar mot utvalda nationella grupper.
Följande från min text What is behind Swedish cultural-racism :
Put it in general terms, those who hate the Arabs or the African immigrants do not hate them much for the religion they profess or the colour of their skin, but rather because they are believed to represent the most poor segments of society. Because they live in the unfashionable "gethos" they are assigned by the force of their poverty. Because they represent a social misery we are ashame of, that rather would prefer to ignore, or has been repressed at consciousness.
Society, as well as the individuals that compose it, also has a consciousness. And this social consciousness is the ideological constellation of prevalent culture, prevalent moral, prevalent religious beliefs and prevalent ideology in the juridical system. In each of them we will find the spirit and profit of the rich but the absence of the oppressed and the poor.
Secondly, to regard those immigrant as miserable social class is not only unfair but an act of ignorance and contempt towards an important (and numerous) segment of the Swedish population and which represent a creative, enormous and dignifying social potential for the moral and economic prosperity of this country.
Andra berörda länkar: Maria Ferm, Vem äger flaggan, Den skarpa vinden i Skåne förargade sig mot min hud Vem äger flaggan Svensk? vad god dröj, Mätt din snorre, Vilse i mångfalden, Upptäck Sverige,
Intressant? M. Zaremba, Invandring, integration, rasism, invandrare, diskriminering, Råsengård, främlingsfientlighet, islamofobi
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